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To be a leader, we must first learn how to follow.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Yearning for God

Each day when I awake I find that my love for God is growing deeper. My desire to be so close to Him is consuming me. My yearning to pray has grown and He is faithful to meet me there. His word says to pray continually. Prayer is communication; praise is communication, reading His word is communication, treating others with respect is communication. Our wordless prayers can be numerous. Sermons on this topic are plentiful but until we can grasp some of the various ways for communication and follow through we can feel inadequate and a failure. Keep praying…even when you don’t feel him, hear him, and even when we think He’s a million miles away. He’s right beside us and in us when we are filled with the Holy Ghost. His Spirit gently guides us when we desire it. Prayer is not easy to fall in love with, but if we practice, it will become the most important part of our day.


FancyHorse said...

Thank you, it's good to remember this.

Wanda said...

This truly warms my heart. Prayer and Scripture ~~ Both so vital to our journey as followers of Jesus.

Praying in Faith ~~ "If you remain in me, and my words remain in you, Ask what ever you wish and it will be given to you," John 15:7

Living in the Word ~ "If you hold to my teaching, then you are really my disciples. You will know the truth and the truth will set you free" John 8:31-32

Thanks so much for visiting and commenting on my blog.... I truly enjoy it~!


Cathy said...

Thanks for that post, dear. It is a great reminder that we are to be always praying.