This blog is for us to converse about God's word. I have had several visitors but I don't know who you are. Please feel free to leave a comment with your name. I hope you visit again.
To be a leader, we must first learn how to follow.

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Word of God

Notes from Sunday's sermon:
The word of God will either humble us or anger us. It will always bring a reaction. If our heart is tender the word will open up to us. It is sharper than a two-edged sword that is able to cut open our heart so all pride and poison can bleed out. The word is able to take out feelings and thoughts that can hinder our walk with Him.. The Lord desires to take us to a place where He can talk to us.
You may not feel important to anyone else, but always remember that you are important to God. Our thoughts, if we are not careful, will lead us to believe that we know more than God when it comes to how situations should be handled. We will never know more than God. Sometimes we need to have a need that is so great that we don't know what to do. This will cause us to seek Jesus where He can meet that need. Your situation may be because He wants to get your attention.
If we are prideful, arrogant, or egotistical, it will show. It we are humble, giving and obedient, it will also show.
God knows how to do things....


Cherdecor said...

Someone asked me this morning if I Twitter. I do not. Blogging is spreading into time that I could be spending reading the Bible. It is a hard balance. The Word of God is like food for the soul. I appreciate your post today.

Cathy said...

We are supposed to feed upon the Word. We can know God through His Word. And we know God hates pride. Our Jesus shows us how we need to live.

FancyHorse said...

Thank you. What you say is very true. Reading your blog is like having a second devotional.

Mari said...

I'm enjoying what I've read here. I really like the name of this blog. That was a lesson I had to learn when our church went through some hard times. I learned that I was worrying to much about what I like in a worship service instead of what brings more people to God and actually worshipping!